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American With Disabilities Act (ADA)

MDNS is honored to operate as an entity that observes and adheres to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act with being ADA-compliant.

MDNS is an advocate for the ethic standard of equal access for consumers with disabilities as stated in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Our team also consists of specialists who rigorously test the accessibility of the MDNS website and ensure that our online features and user experience is up-to-date and compatible with today’s most common assistive programs and mechanisms. If, during your visit to our website or use of services, you detect an inaccessible feature or asset, please use our “Support” page to report the issue.

When contacting us, please be as detailed as possible. Let us know:

  1. What you were attempting to do
  2. How you attempted it
  3. Any potential or working solution if you may be familiar with

Feel free to send any accessibility questions that you may have to

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